Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thing #2: Attack of the BLOG

I always thought blogs were weird. What kind of word is "blog"? Why in the world would you name something that? It never sounded like something I wanted to do - Although I did make one once upon a time after one of my friends started writing one and I wanted to be cool like her. Then I realized I wasn't spending the summer traveling around Central America and didn't have anything "interesting" to talk about. So I abandoned it. But I digress.

As blogs have become more common, and I realized what they actually are, I've gotten more comfortable with the idea of sharing random thoughts with strangers. But I still thing "blog" is a silly thing to call it. Which is one of the reasons I chose to call my blog "blog" (the other reason being I like the alliteration it makes with "Burton's").

For my username, I just used my name; I like it, other people say it's nice, and I couldn't think of anything creative. I tried to make my avatar look like the real me too, and put her outside, because it's one of my favorite places to be :)


  1. I agree that "blog" is a funny word, and I suspect that's why it stuck. It's a shortened form of "web log." That becomes "weblog" and from there the internet's compulsion to abbreviate takes over and you get "blog."

  2. I knew there had to be a logical explanation for such a weird term! Thanks for the info, Eddie :)
