Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thing #1: Learning all your live-long life

After watching the 7 & 1/2 Habits online tutorial, I think the easiest habits for me (they tie together) would be 2. Accept responsibility for your own learning, and 4. Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. I have always been surrounded by very supportive people, which has developed a sense of capability in me that some of my peers seem to lack. And any time I start to doubt myself, my mom is ready to tell me what an "intelligent young woman" I am!

The habits I struggle the most with are 1. Begin with the end in mind, and 3. View problems as challenges you can learn from. I tend to get very focused on the task at hand and forget why I'm even doing it and how I can benefit from what I'm trying to accomplish. Or I make a goal that's so broad, I lose track of how what I'm doing day-to-day affects my progress! I think if I followed the suggestions they made at the end of the video - writing down my goal, make a list of tasks to accomplish, etc - those habits won't be as difficult for me.

That being said, I'm really looking forward to playing with all the Web 2.0 tools in this activity with my goal of becoming an elementary school teacher in mind! I grew up around computers, so the experience I had setting up my blog was nothing unusual - I actually think I set one up a few years ago.. but never bothered posting anything. Now I'm excited and ready to see what else the internet has to offer that I didn't know about!

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