Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thing #13

I love Google docs. I've used it in the past to help out a friend with an essay they were writing for an English class. They wanted me to look over it and review any stupid mistakes they were making; Google docs was a great way for us to both revise it without making a million copies or emailing back and forth. Another great thing about Google docs is that, even though you don't have hard copies of each revision you make, the website stores your revision history with every correction you make. You can go back and review previous drafts. If you decide one of them is better than what you currently have, you can restore that draft. This could be useful in a class when students are doing peer editing. As the teacher, you could view what changes have been made, and by whom.

The best part of web-based applications is that they are accessible from any computer with an internet connection. I've started using it for documents I don't share with other people too. I find myself using my desktop, laptop, classroom computers, and library computers to work on the same assignments. In the past, I would have to wait for the assignment to load up on my usb drive, and run the risk of losing the drive on the commute (which I've managed to do twice)! Now, I can store them in Google docs and access them from any computer that has internet access. It saves automatically, and I don't have to worry about whether I have my usb drive with me.

(written in google docs)

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